Aug. 22, 2006 » django on Jacob Kaplan-Moss » [Archived Version]
So it seems the BDFL Pronounced that Django is the Python web framework. Obviously this makes me pretty damn happy. I’m sure this will help people trying to choose a web framework come to Django, and I think they’ll like what they find. Personally, I think Django’s the best tool to develop web sites – but of course I think that. However, I want to make sure everyone has read Kevin Dangoor’s thoughts on the announcement.
Read MoreJuly 20, 2006 » django on Jacob Kaplan-Moss » [Archived Version]
Lately a large number of questions posted to django-users have included phrases like “this is a show-stopper” or “this is critical”. I think it’s worth my time to point out that this is a lousy method of getting developers to do what you want. It’s the online equivalent of threatening to take your ball and go home, and is about as effective. I understand the impulse perfectly: there’s the fear that we won’t take you seriously if you don’t te…
Read MoreJuly 17, 2006 » django on Jacob Kaplan-Moss » [Archived Version]
My last entry about my dog eating my DSlite hit Digg (screenshot), Reddit (screenshot), and a couple of other big-traffic sites over the weekend. Pretty cool, but the coolest part is that my server — a single commodity Linux box that cost less than $3,000, running about 15 other sites — didn’t even hiccup. Reason #4453 to use Django? It’s fast. Crazy fast. Oh, and to all the Diggers who suggested that I should kill my dog?
Read MoreJune 30, 2006 » django on Jacob Kaplan-Moss » [Archived Version]
I just found this in my django-ego-feed: 23 excuses: Simple Django View for Dynamic Text Replacement I’ve been using something similar to generate the titles for the site (look at the title above for an example), so I’m pretty familiar with the technique. Andrew’s code over there is pretty good, but I’ve got a few improvements he and you might be interested in: The business to writing to a temp file is ugly and will break as soon as you get two simultaneous requests.
Read MoreJune 27, 2006 » django on Jacob Kaplan-Moss » [Archived Version]
I’m about to print up some Django shirts to take to OSCON next month – got any ideas? We gotta move pretty fast (we’re going to try to get an order in to the printer this week) so if you’ve got any hot ideas (or designs, for that matter) send ’em to me! I’ll mail anyone who gives an idea or a design one of the final shirts, but otherwise please don’t ask about “ordering” or otherwise “getting” one.
Read MoreMay 3, 2006 » django on Jacob Kaplan-Moss » [Archived Version]
Some Django propaganda: Video killed the radio star The talk I gave last week at Google is now up on Google Video. I covered similar ground to what Adrian talked about at Snakes and Rubies so if you haven’t seen that one, watch it, too. Django for non-programmers My friend and colleague Jeff Croft launched his new website built with Django. Jeff has followed it up the launch with an introduction to Django for non-programmers that’s required reading for anything thinking about switch…
Read MoreApril 12, 2006 » django on Jacob Kaplan-Moss » [Archived Version]
Update Ack – I mistyped the date on this page! The meetup will be Thursday, April 27th (not Wednesday as this originally said). Hopefully that still works for anyone planning to come… Later this month, I’m speaking at the MySQL Users Conference in Santa Clara, and I’ll be in town the whole week. I suspect there’s a good number of Django users living in the Bay Area (ha), and I’d like to meet as many of them as I can.
Read MoreMarch 29, 2006 » django on Jacob Kaplan-Moss » [Archived Version]
Brian Beck just announced that he’s beginning work on Merquery, a full-text indexer and search engine specifically designed for developers using RAD frameworks like Django. I’m so excited about this I can barely contain myself. Right now Ellington ships with a search engine built on top of Swish-E. It’s pretty cool, and I’ve been debating cleaning it up and rolling it into django.contrib. However it has a number of major flaws that limit its usefulness:
Read MoreMarch 22, 2006 » Paolo Melchiorre » [Archived Version]
I received at home for free, the CDs with the various versions, of the latest release of the Ubuntu distribution.
Read MoreMarch 2, 2006 » django on Jacob Kaplan-Moss » [Archived Version]
For anyone looking for the Django stuff I showed off at PyCon: Slides from my presentation (PDF version [9 MB]) The Sudoku app I demonstrated Source to the Sudoku app
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