
Tim Schilling

Blog Info Better Simple
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2023 - My year in review

Dec. 30, 2023 » Better Simple » [Archived Version]

A look back at my efforts in 2023.

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The Fanout Pattern Explained

Dec. 6, 2023 » Better Simple » [Archived Version]

A brief overview of the fanout pattern that's commonly used in Celery.

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Debugging CSRF Failed / 403 Forbidden errors in Django

Nov. 4, 2023 » Better Simple » [Archived Version]

A guided deep dive into Django's source code to understand why your application is failing CSRF validation.

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Luckiest Dev in the World

Oct. 26, 2023 » Better Simple » [Archived Version]

A collection of occurrences in which I've benefited from good luck.

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RegisterFields in Django

Oct. 3, 2023 » Better Simple » [Archived Version]

An explanation of a Django model field that returns an instance of a class depending on a key.

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Descriptive Django Admin Search

Aug. 18, 2023 » Better Simple » [Archived Version]

If you have people using the Django admin without knowing the code you can make their life easier by showing the fields that are actually being searched.

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Professional Djangonaut skills

Aug. 18, 2023 » Better Simple » [Archived Version]

A brief description of various skills, experiences and technologies I feel that a professional Djangonaut has.

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Testing thoughts are up!

July 12, 2023 » Better Simple » [Archived Version]

I've added some thoughts on testing to my Unsung Developer Thoughts. Check it out!

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Unsung Development Thoughts

June 25, 2023 » Better Simple » [Archived Version]

I've added a new section to my site called Unsung Developer Thoughts. Check it out!

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Django migrations and your database

June 3, 2023 » Better Simple » [Archived Version]

This is my attempt to help clear up confusion about Django migrations and your database.

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