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Last Update03.26.2025

Caching in Django with Redis

June 19, 2023 » Django Beats » [Archived Version]

In this post we reduce the load on the database and improve the overall performance of our Django app by caching with Redis. Django on is pretty sweet! Check it out: you can be up and running on in just minutes. Web servers are math wizards 🧙🏽‍♂️ that can perform complex calculations to build the final - or partial - response that our user sees. Those calculations can vary from expensive queries to the database to rendering the template. For most of small/medium-sized apps, buil…

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DRY: Template Rendering with Context Processors

May 11, 2023 » Django Beats » [Archived Version]

Mariusz Felisiak, a Django and Python contributor and a Django Fellow, explores how to simplify template rendering with context processors. Django on is pretty sweet! Check it out: you can be up and running on in just minutes. Django has many hidden gems that are neither widely used nor well known. In this article, I will discuss context processors which are one of my favorites. They allow following the DRY (don’t repeat yourself) principle in template rendering and keep yo…

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Running tasks concurrently in Django asynchronous views

April 13, 2023 » Django Beats » [Archived Version]

Mariusz Felisiak, a Django and Python contributor and a Django Fellow, explores how to use recent async improvements in Django to run multiple async tasks in an asynchronous view! Django on is pretty sweet. Check out how you can be up and running on in just minutes. Async support has really been improving and expanding in Django! Since Django 3.0 with the addition of ASGI support (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) there has been a steady march of improvements that bring Djan…

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A 'No JS' Solution for Dynamic Search in Django

March 13, 2023 » Django Beats » [Archived Version]

In this post we take advantage of HTMX requests to do partial rendering for list views in Django. Django on is pretty sweet! Check it out: you can be up and running on in just minutes. Django is one of the most used server-side frameworks out there. It uses MTV (Model-Template-View) design pattern to build highly scalable and maintainable apps. Even though Django is a very versatile framework, one of the things that annoys me the most is the fact that - for a minimal Django setu…

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Deploying Django to Production

Feb. 23, 2023 » Django Beats » [Archived Version]

This post is about providing some guidance on how to make your simple Django app production-ready and deploying to Django on is pretty sweet! Check it out: you can be up and running on in just minutes. The first Django app I ever created was a simple Blog back in 2015, during a Django Girls event in Brazil. Ever since then, I’ve created and deployed many other Django applications but the deployment process was never so easy as it was with! I’m super exc…

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Standout features in Django 4.2

Feb. 2, 2023 » Django Beats » [Archived Version]

This post is about the new Django 4.2 release. It’s got some neat things in it and Mariusz Felisiak shares his favorite highlights. Django on is pretty sweet! Check it out: you can be up and running on in just minutes. After 8 months of work by over 200! contributors 💗, the first alpha version of Django 4.2 is out! This is a long-term support release (LTS) with extended support until April 2026, so 3 more years. The final release should be issued in early April 2023, so now i…

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