Feb. 20, 2023

Django 4.2 beta 1 released

published by Mariusz Felisiak
in blog The Django weblog
original entry Django 4.2 beta 1 released

Django 4.2 beta 1 is now available. It represents the second stage in the 4.2 release cycle and is an opportunity for you to try out the changes coming in Django 4.2.

Django 4.2 has a farrago of new features which you can read about in the in-development 4.2 release notes.

Only bugs in new features and regressions from earlier versions of Django will be fixed between now and 4.2 final (also, translations will be updated following the "string freeze" when the release candidate is issued). The current release schedule calls for a release candidate in a month from now with the final release to follow about two weeks after that around April 3. Early and often testing from the community will help minimize the number of bugs in the release. Updates on the release schedule schedule are available on the Django forum.

As with all alpha and beta packages, this is not for production use. But if you'd like to take some of the new features for a spin, or to help find and fix bugs (which should be reported to the issue tracker), you can grab a copy of the beta package from our downloads page or on PyPI.

The PGP key ID used for this release is Mariusz Felisiak: 2EF56372BA48CD1B.