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MySQL Performance Degradation in Django 3.1

Jan. 21, 2022 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Upgrading from Django 2.2 to Django 3.2 caused a severe performance degradation with MySQL 5.7 due to a bug introduced in Django 3.1.

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New features in Python 3.8 & 3.9

Jan. 7, 2022 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Highlighting some of the new features in Python 3.8 and 3.9.

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The Code Review Batch Size

Aug. 13, 2019 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

In the last article we learned how important it is to reduce the friction in code reviews, by making code reviews your top priority. Based on the theory of constraints, not working on the bottleneck is counterproductive. If your code review queue is backed up, writing more code will not make you deploy features any faster!

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The Code Review Bottleneck

July 15, 2019 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Code reviews are insanely useful. The only problem is that they have the nasty habit of making your cool new feature stuck in the queue waiting for reviewers. Let’s take a look at how to make sure code reviews are done as efficiently as possible. Let’s see how we can do quality code reviews without impeding feature velocity.

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Code Reviews and the Company Goal

June 27, 2019 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Code reviews are an important part of how we write code today. It’s pretty rare to find a company that doesn’t practice code reviews in some shape or form. If the drivers for doing code reviews in the company aren’t engineers it’s regulation. Code reviews have become a compliance requirement for some security standards (e.g. PCI DSS 3.0)!

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The Tale of Two Structs

April 30, 2015 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

I’ve been using golang for the past few days and I really like it. It’s fast, it’s typesafe, it’s easy to learn and it has concurrency built right into the language.

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How working remotely helped me better understand the codebase

Oct. 26, 2014 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Last Friday a coworker asked me how was I able to grasp the complexity of our project so quickly, while he’s been struggling with it for months. I never gave it much thought, but it was true. I went from novice to pro faster than any other dev that joined the team. This even went so far that the CEO started calling me ‘star developer’. At first I fought they were all mocking me, but later I came to realize they were honestly impressed by the progress I’ve made.

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Creating Tinder like animations with CSS

Oct. 10, 2013 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Recently, I’ve helped in the making of a cool little side project WindowShopper.

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I’m glad I became fit before becoming self-employed

Oct. 4, 2013 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

It’s Friday night and I’ve just survived my first week of being self-employed. It’s been a helluva ride getting all the paperwork straightened out, finding an accountant, opening a new bank account, sending out invoices, and, the most frightening of all, actually talking to people. I much prefer talking to computers - programming, solving problems or even dealing with merge conflicts, but I’m an adult now and I’m told I can’t just play around and code all day anymore.

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