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Game Development in Webgl

Dec. 12, 2012 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

I’ve started working on a simple game for the Github Game Off competition and I’d like to share my thoughts and findings on creating games with javascript and Webgl. I will not go into Webgl details, as there is a great number of tutorials that do just that, instead I’ll talk about some of the concepts that I used to make my game. You give the game a spin before you start reading, as I’ll be talking about how I implemented a few features and it will be easier for you to follow.

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My Github Game Off Submission

Nov. 18, 2012 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

I’ve started working on a simple webgl game, and after just 4 days of development it’s already sort of playable. You can go ahead and try it out right now.

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Nginx and VirtualBox shared folders

Nov. 7, 2012 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

I found something really peculiar. If you are trying to serve static files with Nginx from a Virtualbox Shared folder, you are going to have a bad time. I agree, you shouldn’t be doing this in the first place, but this issue is so weird I really had to write a blog post about it.

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Why don’t we have code hot swapping on mobile?

Nov. 3, 2012 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Code hot swapping is one of the most useful features a language can offer. It allows the developer to see changes as soon as he saves the source code. No restarting needed, your changes just pop up on the screen and your application state is preserved. Hot swapping magically updates method runtimes and gives you immediate feedback. This is invaluable and double so for developing graphical applications such as games. You don’t believe me, checkout this talk.

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Best Github shortcut ever

Oct. 29, 2012 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Today I watched this awesome talk and it blew my mind. I never knew how many secret features github actually has. The talk is rather long, so let me just highlight the best shortcuts mentioned.

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I tried moving to Debian

Oct. 19, 2012 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Yesterday I decided it was time to say goodbye to Ubuntu 12.04 and move to Debian Wheezy. This wasn’t due to the controversial changes Ubuntu made this release cycle, I don’t mind uninstalling a lens I find annoying. I couldn’t upgrade to 12.10 because the legacy fglrx drivers no longer work with kernel 3.5. I still wanted to try out something new though, hence Wheezy.

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