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Using a game engine to draw a 3D graph crossplatform

Aug. 30, 2013 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

It was just a matter of time until my game development hobby started creeping into my serious work. I have made an application prototype, that draws a 3D graph, using what is essentially a game engine. The application can be run on Android, iOS, Blackberry and desktop (Windows, Mac OSX, GNU/Linux).

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Can I write a blog post on this?

Aug. 12, 2013 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Recently I’ve bought a small bluetooth keyboard for my nexus 7. And when I say small I actually mean tiny. The keyboard is as big as the tablet.

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Shrinking the address bar width in browsers

July 17, 2013 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Most modern browsers have a huge address bar that makes up a huge chunk of the browser chrome:

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My experience with Google Game Services

July 6, 2013 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

A month ago I’ve added Google Game Services (GGS) to my Android game. I’ve added a few achievements and a leaderboard and this is what happened:

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Cross-platform Games

Feb. 24, 2013 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

So you want to create a cross-platform game that works on all the major operating systems and mobile as well? Here are some of your options:

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Google Analytics should use log scale

Feb. 16, 2013 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Google Analytics is an awesome tool. I have the utmost respect for the googlers working on it every day.

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The Chrome Javascript editor can do hot swapping

Feb. 10, 2013 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Hot swapping is the process of replacing code while the application is running. It allows a developer to see changes immediately - no recompiling, no waiting on page reloads, and no clicking to get to the application state where the code was changed. Just save the file and you’ll see the changes.

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Useful GNU/Linux tools

Jan. 20, 2013 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

GNU/Linux is awesome because it gives you a whole lot of simple but useful tools that you can play with. Utilities like dd, sed, grep, rm, find, ssh and many others all have a small sea of parameters that make them do exactly what you want.

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Game Jams: The most fun you can have while programming

Jan. 9, 2013 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

Programming is a lot of fun. It’s an awesome feeling when your code compiles without errors, the app passes all the tests, and runs without any (noticeable) bugs. It’s an awesome feeling even if you are working on a boring enterprise app. You made the primitive machine under your keyboard do something. If that isn’t amazing I don’t know what is.

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Worst python code I’ve ever written

Dec. 17, 2012 » Anže’s Blog » [Archived Version]

I was doing my homework for the bioinformatics class when I started experimenting with scope in Python. The first thing I noticed was that Python list comprehensions don’t create a closure. This means that variables defined in the list comprehension bleed out into the current scope:

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